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News @ Zafinn Books

a log of news and updates

Log Date: 20th July 2024 - Apologies for the slight delay re-opening the store, I had the man-flu, which as you know, is the worse of the flu's :-) GameGuide Jaguar is almost ready for proofing and I will post some photos when I get the physical proof here, still working on getting this book to all my pre-order customers before the end of August, it just depends on the lead-time from the printer once the proof is signed off. Keep an eye on this page and X (Twitter).

Log Date: 30th May 2024 - FYI, the store will be closed from the 10th June until the 17th July. I'm taking a little break, getting things ready for GameGuide Jaguar coming soon (anticipate late July or early August to receive books from the printer, but I will keep you all informed). My home "office" (sanctuary!) is moving to the attic space, so that will be a lot of fun... not! If you need to contact me, please use the contact form and I will get back to you as soon as I can. 

Log Date: 29th April 2024 - This should be called a "slog" update really due to the time it has taken me to get stuff done recently. If you have seen some of my Tweets you'll have gathered I've been (slowly) packing away my small home-office-den lately as I will sonn be banished to the attic! Along with juggling several projects it hasn't been as easy as I thought it would. Anyway, we are nearly there with the latest GameGuide for the Jaguar. I am opening pre-orders now for a limited time, so if you want a free themed goodie bag and an advanced early bird copy, go and pre-order today!

Book update: I'm just waiting on a few interviews and some layout drafts to be completed before proofing begins again. I hope to have it at the printers early July and shipping end of July/August. If this slips, I'll let you all know of course, but I don't foresee any serious delays. I can't wait to share another new book project I've been working on soon, but it's still a little too early to talk about that one... just yet!

If you miss the pre-order for GameGuide Jaguar, don't worry. I hope to have some stock available for general sale in late September. 

Advance notice: The store will be closed from the 3rd June until July 1st.

Log Date: 8th January 2024 - Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a nice holiday season and that 2024 brings all of us better times. The store has re-opened. Didn't get around to updating the website like I had planned, but I will get to that soon. Lot's to do, talk soon.

Log Date: 10 November 2023 - I'm closing the online store for the holidays on the 1st December until the 8th January. I've e-mailed all the pre-order customers this week to update them on the book, which I should have in my hands around the 22/24 November all going well. Shipping will commence right away, so I really hope everyone gets their order for the holidays (customers really far away in Asia, Australia, New Zealand might have to wait a little longer?). If you missed the pre-order for We Love Atari, there will be a small amount available when the store re-opens next year. Stock of GameGuide ST is very low now, but you can still order today for christmas delivery. I hope to get some time over the holidays to update the website and work a little more on the new Atari book to be announced soon. If I don't get a chance to update the news section before the holidays and new year, please have a great time and stay safe. Thank you to everyone who has supported the books, I really do appreciate you all. 

Log Date: 2nd November 2023 - Halloween is over and Christmas has already made the store shelves! It's dark outside and not even 5pm here, but I just wanted to say "thank you" to everyone who purchased a copy of We Love Atari this time around. A lot of nice messages from people who missed it over 3 years ago! If you missed it again (doh!), I will have a very small box of extra copies that I will offer on a first-come, first served basis sometime in the New Year (January 2024). The next project to finish is GameGuide Jaguar (pre-orders early 2024) and a new surprise book title which I know you are going to love :-)

Log Date: 23 October 2023 - The We Love Atari re-print is go! I decided we had just enough pre-orders before the closing window to order this early so shipping can commence as quickly as possible before Christmas. The Christmas posting season is nearly here, and I will try my very best to get these out to everyone who has pre-ordered before the big day. I can't guarantee it, but I will try my hardest for everyone! It just depends now on production time. I've been given an approx. 2-3 week timeline, but these things can change and everything is fluid. More news as and when I get it. Thank you again to everyone who made this happen, I'm so glad you all get a final chance to own these books. :-)  Now, on to GameGuide Jaguar and the other one...

Log Date: 1st October 2023 - Okay! The pre-orders opened for the re-print of We Love Atari, over 3 years since it was last published. A lot of people missed it and a lot of people e-mailed me over the years asking for another chance to get it. Well, now is the time. I'm willing to help, but If we don't hit at least 100 pre-orders by November 2nd, I'm going to have to call it and cancel the re-print. I can't afford to prop up the high costs of a minimum order, and I've got new projects I need to work on (yes, GameGuide Jaguar is coming, but I've had to push it out to early 2024 due to other commitments. There is another new Atari book coming soon, which I will also reveal early in 2024). This was only meant to be a simple pastime!

One last thing, the prices quoted on this site include postage and packing. They have gone up like everything else in the last few years, and this is out of my control. If you can't afford it, don't buy it and don't overstretch yourself if you do. There are more important things in life. Stay safe and thanks for the support.

Log Date: 31 August 2023 - I sold the last Goodie Pack of series four today, and right on its heels comes series five! Only a limited amount are available and I've designed some really good ones, my favourite is the Star Raiders sticker :-)

Log Date: 11 August 2023 - Please check out the updates for the re-print of We Love Atari, working hard on them albeit with a belated timeline! Stock is now low on Lynx and ST GameGuide books, so if you are looking to put one under the Christmas tree, now might be a good time to get them as it will be at least sometime in 2024 if I get a re-print of these.  I will be updating the entire website soon, so look out for that with some exciting news to reveal as well!  Take care!

Log Date: 3rd April 2023 - The Lynx Game Guide is now available again, limited re-print. All remaining pre-orders for the ST Game Guide will be shipped this week and the free A4 poster will ship separately very soon. Now, I've got a Jaguar Game Guide and some other books to work on... :-)

Log Date: 27th March 2023 - The ST Game Guide is now available for Order! And I can take orders again from April 3rd for Lynx Game Guide! The new Jaguar Game Guide is over 60% complete, and I am busy updating We Love Atari for what might be a last reprint (*for a good while anyway!). There is also a surprise book coming out later this year... more Atari goodness???

Log Date: 8th February 2023 - The ST Game Guide is now available for Pre-Order! The first 50 customers not only get a few nice goodies, but get their books first! You are probably very familiar with the delays I've had bringing new books to life, the biggest hurdle has been pricing. I've had to take the unfortunate step to move printers, it is a real shame as they did some great work for me for many years, but they have been hit by costs that they can't absorb any further and prices went up well beyond my ability to absorb them too! Anyway, a new printer has been found and I'm certain the new books will be just as good quality. Shipping and packaging have suffered price hikes too, but hopefully 2023 should see some stablisation and I can get some new titles out during the year at a reasonable cost to you. If prices get any higher I might have to go into "sleep mode" for a while and see if printing books is worth the cost and late nights!  I will be looking into digitial versions of all my books in the next few years, but for now, I prefer the real thing (and so do you, which is why I keep doing it).

Log Date: 20 January 2023 - The ST Game Guide is real close now and I will be taking pre-orders in the coming weeks - I was hoping to start on the 1st Feb, but due to circumstances way beyond my control, I can't. But do not fret, do not be sad, you will get notice here and on my Twitter page when it happens. Just a quick note, the pre-order window is limited to 50 customers, who will receive the book early and get a nice gift for being so fast on the draw!  You may have noticed another new GameGuide as well?  Yes, the Atari Jaguar is joining in the fun and if all goes to plan, I hope to get that to you later in the year!

Log Date: 5 December 2022 - The ST Game Guide will be available for pre-order on the 1st February 2023, more news next year.  We Love Atari volumes One and Two will be re-printed (in revised updated editions) for a limited pre-order around April/May 2023.  Apologies for the delays, so many factors I could bore you with, but as always I really appreciate your support and the very kind feedback.  Work on the Jaguar Game Guide and a few other projects are progressing as well, so hopefully 2023 will be a much better year!

Log Date: 11 July 2022 - The cost of printing/paper has been going up steadily since 2021, coupled with the current global inflationary situation and the terrible events in Ukraine, it hasn't helped matters as you can imagine. I am still hopeful I can get the new ST Game Guide out very soon, which now has an additional 15 new games added along with a few other additional pages of ST goodness and a special free gift!  The re-print of both volumes of We Love Atari is a top priority as well. It's almost 2 years since I had stock of Volume 2, and over a year since I sold my last copy of Volume One, and I really appreciate the e-mails you keep sending with your support for a re-print. The Jaguar Game Guide is in production, along with a "soon to be revealed" book project I think you're gonna love! More news about all these projects as soon as I have them, stay safe!

Log Date: 3 April 2022 - I gave away the last physical copy of the Lynx Hint Book today, these were a limited run of complimentary copies which were for pre-orders that I had left in stock. So instead, I will prepare a personalised Lynx Hint Book with every order of the Lynx GameGuide, so you can print your own or put it on your phone or other PDF capable device.  I will attach it to each order confirmation I send.  In other news, I will soon be placing a pre-order offer for the new ST Game Guide, this is essentially a re-print of a book I made in 2020 called "50 ST games you have to play". As the print run was limited, it sold out quickly, but the revised edition is being re-printed under the "GameGuide" series banner and contains corrections, some new layout changes, a new interview, a few more games (55 in total) and a look at the MegaSTE.  If you purchased the original book, you don't need to purchase this one, but if you need want to, I might offer a special offer for previous cutomers... more news soon!  

Log Date: 24 March 2022 - Due to postage increases here in Ireland and some other misc. increases on such items as packaging etc, I have had to change pricing ever so slightly on some items.  I have been trying to absorb any increases as much as possible to keep pricing as low as I can, but even the paper the books are printed on has gone up in price.  Hopefully things will change going forward, but the world is going through some geo-political issues right now and there are much more important things happening around us than the price of a few books.  Life must go on though, and I will announce a new project for you very soon.  By the way, I have only a few copies of the Lynx Hint Book left, so when these are gone I will provide a personalised PDF version to each customer with their Game Guide: Lynx books going forward.

Log Date: 29 January 2022 - A little earlier than expected, but as the Lynx books arrived, I decided to get some packing done early and try and get the pre-orders out to all of you as quickly as possible. The ladies at the Post Office are going to love me! Some orders already left today!  I will try and get all of the pre-orders out before the end of February, in fact, I'm sure it will be much earlier than that. Check your e-mail over the next few weeks for a shipping confirmation. If you order a copy after today, please be paitent, I will get it shipped to you ASAP! Now, on to the next project!

Log Date: 19 January 2022 - Happy (belated!) New Year to you all!  Just to update you on the pre-order for the Lynx Game Guide, I have received all the Atari Lynx Hint Books and Stickers, the packaging has arrived, and there is only the call from the printers due in couple of weeks to say the books are ready!  I have already begun working on a new Game Guide book as well as updating and revising "We Love Atari" and if all goes to plan, a new Atari book project will be announced soon.  So, hopefully a busy and exciting 2022 if I can make it all happen.  Stay safe and thank you all for your support.

Log Date: 5th December - OK, here we go! I'm taking pre-orders for the first time after so many of you requested it. My books have small print runs so I understand they can sell out quickly and some of you miss them, so I will look at doing this again in the future if this works out smoothly.

The Lynx GameGuide will ship in early February 2022, just over 8 weeks away now!  Unless Covid get's any worse or another ship decides to block a major waterway, we should be OK!  Please note that if you pre-order it is a final order, so only do so if you are committed to the purchase, as I cannot afford to order an overly excessive number of books and be left with unsold stock, packaging and materials. Thanks for your support and trust, and look out for other new book titles in 2022 :-)

Log Date: 3rd November - Wow, it's been a while!  So what is happening here at Zafinn Books?  Today I am launching Darcy The Phoenix Park Deer, a charming children's book with artwork by my friend and all round talented artist Lucan Monks. Please read more about the book here.  The website has a couple of new pages, including information on the new GameGuide Series of Books.  Kicking off with the Atari Lynx and then a revised and updated Atari ST GameGuide which will include all the great Atari ST Anniversary content from the previous book "50 ST Games you have to play", which had a very limited print run. More information about price and availability soon.  By the way, there are three other Atari GameGuide books on the drawing board, so keep your eyes peeled!

I am working on revised and updated editions of We Love Atari (Volumes One and Two) for a print run early in 2022.  It hasn't been available for a while now, and it costs a lot to print, but I've had enough requests to be pursuaded that one more print run is viable.  This might be the last run I make of We Love Atari next year, so if you missed it the last time around...

One more thing... A very special Atari book will be announced in 2022 which I am working on right now.  So lot's to look forward to!  Series 3 of my Atari Goodie Packs are now available which help me fund new books, web hosting and other book making things!   Thank you again for the support, otherwise I wouldn't be doing any of this!

Log Date: 9th August - Very close to launching a new Atari book, should be an announcement no later than October.  Other books hopefully re-stocked in November, including a revised edition of the 50 ST Games you have to play.  The first run was made exclusively to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the ST, whereas the re-print has been revised to be part of a series of books, more news soon.

Log Date: 3rd May - I just sold the last copy of "50 ST Games you have to play".  I am working on a few new Atari projects, and I hope to have new stock of all my books later in the year.  Thanks for your support.

Log date: 5th February - ST Anniversary Loot page is now available!

Update on We Love Atari Volume 2 : I will endevour to get a re-print of this later in 2021 - keep an eye on my Twitter pages.

Postal Services and late delivery : Unfortuately deliveries to all parts of the world are slow right now.  You may have to wait 2-6 weeks for items, it all depends on your countries Covid-19 situation, flight schedules etc.  Please be patient :-)

New reviews : A customer who purchased We Love Atari Volume 1 and 2 late last year posted his personal review of the books here.

:: New product added :: Goodie Pack (series 2) now available!

Log date: 4th January - ST Anniversary Loot page is now online.

:: New product added :: includes the ST 35th Anniversary A3 poster I got commissioned for the occasion and a new acrylic Fuji Pin.

Log date: 28th December 2020 - New book "50 ST Games you have to play", a special 35th Anniversary book - available to order today!

Log date: 22nd December 2020 - Added page for the new book "50 ST Games you have to play", a special 35th Anniversary book - available to order on the 28th December.

Log date: 26th November 2020 - Sold Out of Volume Two of We Love Atari.  Next print run in Q2 2021.

Log date: 3rd August 2020 - Updated the store interface

Log date: 1st August 2020 - Website updated and SSL certificate added to the website ( 

:: New product added :: Beautiful A5 artisan greeting cards with copies direct from original prints from Patricia Gallagher Morris.  You can read more about them here.

:: New product added :: Goodie pack (series one).  To help support my current and future products I thought about a way I could give something back to those who help me.  I've put together a bundle of great looking acrylic stickers (and sometimes the odd magnet, badge etc) for Atari enthusiasts, each pack has 16 items.  You can read more about them here.

What is Zafinn Books?

I always wanted to publish a book about Atari. Something I could grab off my bookshelf and read anytime about the history and products of this famous electronics pioneer, which captured a lot of my childhood and more. The company is fascinating, and had gone through many transformations in its short history, but boy, did it make an impact. It seemed there were always books about Apple, IBM, Sony, Commodore and many others, but never Atari, so I put one (actually two!) books together for enthusiasts and collectors. I have been collecting and studying the company for over 35 years.

What else do you have planned?

I have plans for a few more book projects, but self-publishing is an expensive cand precarious business. Some other items will also be available on the website in the future, as each project will help fund future ones (hopefully!).

Anything else going on?  You can check out a website I put together about another tech company called Gateway2000.  It was a PC manufacturer which began operations in 1985 and eventually sold to Acer in 2007.  Click here to view.

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